Our Company History

Since its establishment in the sixties of the last century, Al-Mazro Group has followed a distinguished approach, since the founder, may God have mercy on him, started working in the trade, his sons joined him and their fields developed to include several sectors, including contracting, real estate, industry, and others.

  • Sheikh Mazro Al-Mazro, may God have mercy on him, began his journey in the food trade in the city of Al-Zubayr, and then moved to the city of Basra in order to meet the growing demand there at that time.


  • In the seventies and eighties of the last century, and with the boom witnessed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, these businesses were extended by the founder’s sons to reach several sectors, including construction, real estate, and others.

    1970 – 1989

  • In the nineties, the business witnessed more diversity and geographical expansion in the Kingdom, specializing in the fields of construction, insulation, and retail sector.

    1990 – 1999

  • Al-Mazro Group, starting in 2000, received a new phase during which it jumped from focusing on the construction sector to diversifying in investments to include multiple industrial sectors, including ice factories, furniture, and other ventures.

    2000 – 2019

  • Al-Mazro Group has gone through a series of transformations over the past years, enabling it to move from a merely limited business to a multi-activity group that embodies leadership in all its meanings, while remaining the values that formed the basis of the tangible success of the group. The legacy that the founder and his sons left after him for future generations is not just a group of entities It not only established its structure but also established these ethical business practices and community initiatives for grandchildren, which contribute to the formation of a society characterized by acceptance of diversity and love of good for all.

    2020 – onwards